Saturday, March 29, 2008

Bro's does 2007

October 11 2007........I was set up on a ridge top with 100 acres of corn to the south and a creek and gully to the north. I new the deer were coming out of a thicket to the west and hitting a soybean field east of me. Just before last light, 2 yearling deer passed right under my stand. A few moments later and nice mature doe was heading on the same path. I arrowed her at 5 yards. She mule kicked and headed south into the corn, crashing all the way. My buddy Rick and my younger bro, Dan came out to help me. The hit looked great, as there was a spray job 4 corn rows wide. We found her about 60 yards away. Perfect heart shot.....A nice mature doe to get out of the herd. Doe management is very important in deer hunting. Not only does it keep the population in check, but also keeps the herd ratio in check. Michigan has a very skewed buck to doe ratio that is not healthy. An over-abundance of does, and the harvest of mainly young bucks can have a large impact on the herd in a bad way. This is evident in our Michigan herd vs Iowa or Illinois. We have the genetics and food to grow big bucks, however most hunters are trigger happy killing young bucks, yet passing a nice doe. Our thought process must change if we are to establish a healthier deer herd.

October 20 2007.....My younger bro, Dan, was perched 22 feet up in a tree with corn to the north and river bottoms to the south. Corn was now the food source of choice, as most of the beans were now picked. It was a perfect night for hunting. He arrowed this big doe at 15 yards. My son ,Hunter, and I were called to help him track her. We found her within 60 yards, my 6 year old son leading the way!! What a fun and exciting time for all of us!!!!

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