As the bird banding season begins here locally for wood ducks, I was reminded about the spirit of Jack Miner. I have a few of his books which are awe inspiring and told from the heart. He was a nature lover, conservationist, hunter, and most importantly, a man of God. Here are a few tidbits....
Jack Miner's Testimony
The Lord is my Guide and Teacher, I will not get lost:He makes my heart a receiving station for His wireless:He sits down beside me in the pathless woods and opens up his book of knowledge:He turns the leaves very slowly that my dimmed eyes may read His meaning.He makes the trees that I plant to grow, and flowers to arch my path with their fragrant beauty; gives me dominion over the fowls of the air and they honk and sing their way to and from my home.Yea, He has brought me up from a barefooted underprivileged boy to a man respected by millions of people, and I give Him all the credit and praise whenever, wherever and forever. Jack Miner
Jack Miner: Original Sayings
"Get all the education you can; then add the learning."
"If a man has a backbone between his shoulders, and not a wishbone, there is nothing that will do him more good than the criticism of some retired failure."
"Forgive and forget; but always remember."
"If it were not for the Builders of America, the Pulldowns would soon be out of employment."
"Birds are wild because they have to be. We are wild because we prefer to be."
"My friends can count their money; but I can't count my friends."
"Science can put 10,000 horsepower in a motor; but, science cannot put the love of God in a man's heart."
"You can do all you can for the other fellow, but it is a failure, unless he, himself is willing to get up in the morning."
"No intelligent man can live in the great outdoors without being compelled to believe that there is an overruling power."
"Unselfishness is opposite to human nature."
"The more you encourage a loafer, the more loaves he will want to loaf on."
"There is too much churchianity and not enough Christianity."
"Any man who isn't big enough to change his mind has nothing to change."
"If my christianity isn't any stronger than my politics and causes me to vote for the switch end of nothing, then I have no christianity. All I have is politics."
"Don't put your tongue in high until you get your brain started."
"Let sunshine and cheer banish sadness and fear and everlasting life start right here."
"Success is a journey; not a destination."
"The real home of love is the heart, but the brain is apparently given the power to educate the heart to either love or hate. But any man who does not love those who first love him, has neither heart or brains."
"Never take advice from a failure, but watch a success so you don't have to do much experimenting."
"A swift kick at the right time and place gives a barefooted boy a good lift in the end."